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Small Business Useful Links

Event: 25th July 2018
Small Business Useful Links

Event: 25 Jul, 2018 @ 12:00 am

Small Business Resources and Links

Chambers Ireland

Chambers Ireland is Ireland’s largest business organisation with a network of Chambers of Commerce in every major town and region in the country. We facilitate the growth and development of the Irish chamber network and enable the chambers in the network to effectively promote the long term development of their locality on behalf of their members as well as working towards creating a better environment for business by lobbying the Government and other stakeholders on key policy issues. – Website

Companies Registration Office (CRO)

The Companies Registration Office is the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO operates under the aegis of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation. – Website

Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission was established on 31 October 2014 through the amalgamation of the Competition Authority and the National Consumer Agency as provided for in the Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2014.

The Commission has a dual mandate to enforce competition and consumer protection and will build on the work of the legacy organisations to: protect and strengthen competition, empower consumers to make informed decisions and protect them from harmful business practices. – Website

Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI)

Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI) Vision: To make Ireland the best place to succeed in business, delivering sustainable full employment and higher standards of living across all regions of the country. – Website

Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection is a department of the Government of Ireland, tasked with administering Ireland’s welfare system. It oversees the provision of income support and other social services. It is led by the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection who is assisted by two Ministers of State. – Website

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

The Network is active in more than 60 countries worldwide It brings together 3,000 experts from more than 600 member organisations throughout the world, we are the largest support network for SMEs and combine international business expertise with local knowledge to help you take your innovation into new markets.- Website

Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is the Government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets. Enterprise Ireland works in partnership with Irish enterprises to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales on global markets. – Website

Health and Safety Authority (HSA)

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of workplace health and safety law in Ireland, the implementation of a number of EU Regulations/Directives governing chemicals, and accreditation.

Since 31st July 2014, the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) which is the national body with responsibility for the accreditation of laboratories, certification bodies and inspection bodies, has been integrated into the HSA.

The main legislation which governs the HSA’s operation is the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 to 2014, as well as the Chemicals Acts 2008 and 2010. – Website

IDA Ireland

IDA Ireland is the principal agency charged with attracting foreign direct investment to Ireland. IDA Ireland provides a wide range of supports and grants to both new and existing clients. – Website

InterTrade Ireland

InterTrade Ireland helps SMEs across the island by offering practical cross-border business funding, information, advice and support. – Website

Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA)

The Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority (IAASA) was established pursuant to the provisions of Part 2 of the Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Act 2003. – Website

Irish Government

This site provides links to other Government Departments in Ireland. – Website

Irish Patents Office (IPO)

The Patents Office is responsible for the granting of patents; the registration of industrial designs and trade marks; the provision of information on patents, designs and trade marks; and has certain limited functions under the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 in relation to copyright disputes. – Website

Irish Point of Single Contact

Website with information on starting a business in Ireland as well as doing business in the EU and information on procedures required to provide certain services in the State. – Website

Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ISME)

ISME, the Irish SME Association, is the only independent representative association for Small and Medium Enterprises and currently has in excess of 10,500 members nationwide. Uniquely in Ireland, ISME is independent of big business, big banks and government and gives voice to the issues facing SME owner-managers. – Website

Local Enterprise Office (LEO)

The Local Enterprise Office is for people interested in starting up a new business or already in business including; entrepreneurs, early stage promoters, start-ups and small business looking to expand. – Website

Microfinance Ireland

Microfinance Ireland offers loan funding from €2,000 to €25,000 to start-ups, newly established and growing micro-enterprises.

Applicants must have less than 10 employees, annual turnover of less than €2 million and a commercially viable business proposal. Funding is available for a broad range of business activities including working capital, start-up costs and stock/equipment purchase. – Website

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) is Ireland’s official standards body operating under the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act (1996). It is the national certification authority for CE Marking and provides a certification service to enable business demonstrate that Irish goods and services conform to applicable standards.

The NSAI also represents Ireland in European and international standards and measurement bodies. The purpose of this international activity is to work with other stakeholders to develop consistent international written standards and measurements, which in turn can help ensure fair trade.- Website

Network Ireland

Network Ireland is a non-profit, voluntary organisation, with over 500 members and eight very dynamic branches. Network Ireland membership is made up of a very diverse group of women, from budding entrepreneurs, SME owners, professionals and leaders in indigenous and multinational organisations to non profits, charities, arts and the public sector. – Website

Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE)

ODCE functions include enforcing and encouraging compliance with company law; investigating suspected offences under the Companies Act; prosecuting detected breaches of the Companies Act; referring cases to the Director of Public Prosecutions for prosecution on indictment; and exercising a supervisory role over the activities of liquidators and receivers. – Website

Personal Injuries Assessment Board

The remit of Personal Injuries Assessment Board is to assess claims for compensation for anyone who has been in an accident and suffered an injury.- Website

Revenue Commissioners

The Office of the Revenue Commissioners was established by Government Order in 1923. The Order provided for a Board of Commissioners. The Board comprises three Commissioners, one of whom is appointed Chairman, and all carry the rank of Secretary General. The Chairman of the Board is also the Accounting Officer for Revenue.

Revenue currently employs approximately 5,968 staff (full time equivalents). Staff are located in some 70 Revenue offices distributed throughout the country. – Website

Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)

Science Foundation Ireland invests in academic researchers and research teams who are most likely to generate new knowledge, leading edge technologies and competitive enterprises in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

The Foundation also promotes and supports the study of, education in, and engagement with STEM and promotes an awareness and understanding of the value of STEM to society and, in particular, to the growth of the economy. – Website

Small Firms Association (SFA)

The Small Firms Association (SFA) is the national organisation exclusively representing the needs of small enterprises (i.e. those employing less than 50 employees) in Ireland. The SFA is funded directly through subscription fees from its 8,500 member companies. – Website

SME On Line Tool Kit

There are over 170 different Government supports for Irish start-ups and small businesses. This Online Guide is to help Irish start-ups and small businesses navigate the range of Government supports to see which you could possibly apply. – Website

SMILE Resource Exchange

SMILE Resource Exchange is a FREE service for businesses that encourages the exchanging of resources between its members in order to save money, reduce waste going to landfill and to develop new business opportunities. Potential synergies are identified through an online platform www.smileexchange.ie or through facilitated technical assistance. – Website

Workplace Relations

The Workplace Relations Commission has responsibility for information provision, workplace advice, mediation, conciliation, adjudication, inspection and enforcement in relation to employment rights, equality and equal status matters and industrial relations. The Labour Court, in addition to providing an appeals mechanism against Adjudication Officer decisions and determinations, establishes Joint Labour Committees, registers Joint Industrial Councils and investigates Trade Disputes affecting the public interest. – Website

Anti Money Laundering Compliance Unit

The Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Unit is part of the Department of Justice and Law Reform –Website

Beacon Initiative

Joint Initiative between Cork Institute of Technology, Cork County Council and the Enterprise Boards. Designed to help businesses in the Cork County region in a number of practical way. – Website

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