Add Postponed Accounting Figures to VAT and RTD Returns-when using Sage 50 V27.0 and below
If using Sage 50 V27.0 and below, you will need to calculate the Postponed accounting figures manually and add them to the VAT Return and RTD when you complete them on ROS.
To make it easier for you Sage have created a report to help you calculate the figures you need to add to the VAT Return and RTD. This report can be installed into your sage 50 by downloading and restoring a report only backup. To do this follow the steps below:
Download and restore the Postponed accounting transaction totals by tax code report
1. Click the link here to download this backup
2. If prompted to save the file, browse to where you want to save it, for example, the Windows desktop, then click Save.
3. Open Sage Accounts and take a data only backup.
4. On the menu bar click File, then click Restore.
5. Click Browse, browse to where you saved the file, then double-click the file ACCDL112.001.
6. Below Description of data to be restored, check that it shows the following:
-Report/Layout download
-Backup of:
-Report Templates
7. To install the report, click OK. When a message appears advising you are about to overwrite data held in your company, click Yes. As this backup only contains a single report, no data is overwritten.
8. Click OK then log into Sage Accounts.
9. You will find this report in Suppliers/Reports/My Supplier reports – see below
Calculate the manual figures for your VAT Return and RTD
1. Click Suppliers then click Clear to make sure no records are selected.
2. Click Reports then click My supplier reports and select the Postponed accounting transaction totals by tax code report.
3. Click Preview and select the following criteria:
Supplier Ref | Leave this as it is. |
Transaction Date | Enter the dates of the VAT period you are reporting for. |
Tax code (To to T99) | Enter the Tax code you want to report for. For example T39. |
4. Click OK.
5. VAT RETURN – From the report take the Invoice VAT balance – Credit VAT balance value and manually add it to the following box on you VAT Return before submitting: PA1
6. RTD – From the report take the Invoice NET balance – Credit NET balance value and manually add it to the following boxes for the relevant tax code on you RTD before submitting:
Tax code | Description | Boxes |
T39 | Standard rate ROW import (Resale) Postponed VAT | P2 / Z2 / PA2 R1 / Z3 / PA3 |
T40 | Standard rate ROW import (Non resale) Postponed VAT | P2 / Z2 / PA2 R2 / Z5 / PA4 |
T41 | Zero rate ROW import (Resale) Postponed VAT | D2 / Z2 / PA2 J1 / Z3 / PA3 |
T42 | Zero rate ROW import (Non resale) Postponed VAT | D2 / Z2 / PA2 J2 / Z5 / PA4 |
T43 | Reduced rate ROW import (Resale) Postponed VAT | AC6 / Z2 / PA2 AH5 / Z3 / PA3 |
T44 | Reduced rate ROW import (Non resale) Postponed VAT | AC6 / Z2 / PA2 AH6 / Z5 / PA4 |
T45 | Second reduced rate ROW import (Resale) Postponed VAT | AC6 / Z2 / PA2 AH5 / Z3 / PA3 |
T46 | Second reduced rate ROW import (Non resale) Postponed VAT | AC6 / Z2 / PA2 AH6 / Z5 / PA4 |
T47 | Livestock rate ROW import (Resale) Postponed VAT | C6 / Z2 / PA2 H5 / Z3 / PA3 |
T48 | Livestock rate ROW import (Non resale) Postponed VAT | C6 / Z2 / PA2 H6 / Z5 / PA4 |
T49 | Flat rate compensation ROW import (Resale) Postponed VAT | B6 / Z2 / PA2 G5 / Z3 / PA3 |
T50 | Flat rate compensation ROW import (Non resale) Postponed VAT | B6 / Z2 / PA2 G6 / Z5 / PA4 |