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Scale Charges

Scale Charges


Not available in Sage 50 Accounts Essentials

Fuel scale charges are taxes against fuel provided for personal use in company cars. These charges are dependent upon the carbon dioxide, CO2 emissions band of the car. Paying a fuel scale charge allows you to recover the VAT on the fuel purchased by your business.

When you enter your fuel scale charge details, a set of journal entries are created and posted to the audit trail.

Tip: If you’re using a UK Flat rate VAT scheme, scales charges aren’t applicable.


To enter scale charges

1. VAT > Scales Charges.

2. Complete the Enter Details window as follows:

Scale charges account Choose the required nominal code for your scale charges. By default, this is 7350.
Posting date Enter the date for the scale charges.
Reference Enter a reference for your scale charges transactions.
Details Enter any required details.
Gross scale charge Enter the gross value of the scale charge.
Tax code Choose the required tax code for the scale charge.
VAT scale charge This value calculates automatically from the gross scale charge value and the tax code. You can’t change this.
Net scale charge This value calculates automatically from the gross scale charge value and the tax code. You can’t change this.


3. Next > check the details are correct > Post.