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  • Payroll Year End Resources

KB Category: Revenue

Employee Finished and Reinstated – Wrong figures on the RPN

Employee Finished and Reinstated – Wrong figures on the RPN



An employee that had a finish date in the payroll and then reinstated on the payroll.  When pulling in the RPN’s they have a minus figure on it .


Download and manually enter the RPN for the individual employee.

Revenue are aware of this issue and are currently working on it.

CWPS showing on Submission (Version

CWPS showing on Submission


CWPS is now showing on the payroll submission under ER Pension and EE Pension.  You need to be on the current version of the payroll software  version number is



Click here to see what the latest version.



Setting up a ROS sub cert for your additional PAYE registration (Revenue)

Setting up a ROS sub cert for your additional PAYE registration (Revenue)


What is a sub cert?

A sub cert is a type of ROS digital certificate that you can create which will be linked to your original (Admin) ROS certificate. The admin cert will control the sub cert, and you have the ability to limit the content available to the sub cert user. For example, you may want the sub cert user to only be able to view one tax type, or to only file returns but not make payments etc. In this instance, we want to limit the sub cert user to only have access to our additional PAYE registration number.


Why do we want to create a sub cert for our additional PAYE registration?

Under the old PAYE system, Directors of a company would typically only submit their yearly salary to Revenue on the annual P35 form. This information would typically not be included in the payroll system and would not be available to other staff. With the introduction of PAYE Modernisation, employers will be required to submit weekly or monthly payroll uploads for all employees (including all Directors) to Revenue, so the Directors will need to include their salary information on the payroll software. In this new system, the digital cert attaching to an employer registration will have access to all the payroll information for that registration irrespective of employee grouping. To keep this information confidential, an additional PAYE registration and ROS sub cert can be used. The Directors can have a separate payroll run, and by filing and paying with Revenue using the additional PAYE registration this information will not be accessible by staff. Another instance where you might want to use a sub cert is if your business has multiple locations or branches. Each payroll can be kept separate, using a separate PAYE registration and ROS sub cert for each branch or location etc.


1. To set up a sub cert, first log in to ROS and go to the Admin Services tab at the top of the screen.



2. Next click on the Add New Option to add a New Sub Cert


3. The following sections need to be completed:

  • Surname – Surname of the sub cert user
  • First Name – First name of the sub cert user
  • ID Ref – Name of the sub cert
  • Email – Email address of the sub cert user

4. Once completed you will see the message below


5. The sub user will now receive an email to the address you have included. This will give them instructions on how to retrieve their sub cert and install it on their computer.


6. The system password can be found in the Admin Services tab by clicking on the lock symbol under System Password. This password needs to be given to the sub cert user so that they can link the cert to your admin cert. You will also need to give them the ID Ref of the sub cert that you included earlier. In this case the ID Ref is “TestSubCert”.


7. Once the user follows the straightforward steps from the email from Revenue, and you provide t hem with the sub cert ID Ref and System Password, they should now be able to set up their sub cert. As a default, the sub cert will have limited access and functionality.  This is all controlled by the Admin cert.  If you go to the Admin services tab (which is not accessible for sub cert users) you can control what permissions each sub cert user has. Select the sub cert you want to control and click on the Revise button to view permissions.


8. You will see the options to allow sub cert to view only, prepare returns only and prepare and file returns. This can be changed for each individual tax type.  For the purpose of allowing the sub cert to only be able to see the additional PAYE registration, or the original registration only, click on the Registration button on right.

9. The restrictions option allows the admin user to restrict certain tax registrations from a sub user. For example, here we have two PAYE registration numbers, one is used for the Directors’ payroll (sample registration 1) and the other is used for the staff payroll (Sample registration 2).  We only want the sub user to be able to see the staff payroll and returns, so we restrict Sample registration 1 from the sub cert user.


Additional PAYE registration numbers (Revenue)

Additional PAYE registration numbers


You may choose to have separate registration numbers for different groups of employees. For example, where you:

  • have a number of branches, with each registered separately for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) (employees in each branch must be paid from that branch, not from head office)
  • have separate wages records for different employee groups (for example, office and factory)
  • pay an employee a salary and a pension
  • are a limited company and wish to make PAYE, Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI) and Universal Social Charge (USC) returns under a separate registration number for directors.


To register an additional Employers PAYE registration number:

1. First, log into ROS using your ROS certificate and password


2. Once you are logged in, on the My services tab, scroll down to the Other services section and click on Manage Tax Registrations.


3.  Click on Employer (PAYE/PRSI)


4. You will be asked to fill in the Employee Start Date, a separate address if you want the correspondence for this additional registration to be posted by Revenue to a different address to where you currently receive PAYE documents, and a TAIN if this registration is being done by an agent. If you are not a tax agent this should be left blank. Once you are done, Click Add To Your Requests.

5. Once you have submitted your request you will be brought back to the Manage Tax Registrations screen where you will see you have a new request ready to be submitted on the right. Click Submit.


6. Once you click Submit you will be brought to the Summary screen with a summary of the information you have entered. Once everything is correct you can click Sign and Submit. There is an option for agents to Generate Client Consent Letter, which generates a PDF confirmation to be signed by the tax agent and client. If you are not a tax agent this option should be ignored.


7. Once you click Sign and Submit, you will be asked to enter your ROS certificate password to confirm.  Enter your password and click Sign and Submit.


8. Once submitted you will get a ROS confirmation. You will receive a Notice Number which you can quote to Revenue if you have any problems with the application. You will also receive a copy of this in your ROS inbox. The status on your eRegistration summary should be Success. If you do not see this please contact Revenue.



9. Once you see the success message you are finished your additional registration.  Revenue will review the application and send you correspondence once the additional Employers PAYE registration has been created.



Pimbrook Employee Guide – How to set up and register a Job on Revenue ‘My Account’

Click here to download a word copy of this guide

Click here to download full copies of the employee forms

Pimbrook Employee Guide – How to set up and register a Job on Revenue ‘My Account’


1. Get the Employee to Fill in the Employee New Starter form.



2. Give the Employee the Employee form for Revenue filled in.



Click here to download full copies of the employee forms


3. How to Register with a ‘MyAccount


If you have a verified MyGovID account, you can use your MyGovID details to sign in or to register you will need the following:

  • PPS number
  • Date of Birth
  • Mobile number or Landline number
  • Email address
  • Home address


a. Click on the link for my account



b. Click on Register now

c. To get instant access, verify your identity with 2 of the following:

  • Irish driving licence number
  • Information on your P60
  • Information from your income Tax notice of assessment or acknowledgement or self-assessment.

When you have all the relevant information click on Start Registration


d. Enter in your PPS number

e. Enter how you wish to get your temporary password: By text, by email or by post and click Next (By Post will take up to 5 days). Click Next


f. Enter in your First name and Family name and Click Next

(please note the name you enter here must match your PPS number and your payroll e.g if you have your maiden name registered to your PPS number this is the name you use)



g. Enter your date of birth Click Next



h. Enter in your address and Click Next

i. Enter in your Phone number and Click Next


j. Enter in your email address and Click Next



k. Select what form of identity you are going to provide


l. If you select driving licence enter your licence number and click Next

m. If you select the Income Tax notice of assessment or acknowledgement of self-assessment enter the details of Year, Notice Number and Date of Issue and Click Next.


If you don’t have the 2 forms of identity you can click back and select the register by post (this takes up to 5 days).


4. Add the Job to ‘My Account’


a. Sign into ‘My Account’



b. Enter your Sign In details (PPS Number, Date of Birth and Password)

c. Select Add Job or Pension

d. Click Start to Add the Job

e. Click on Add Job and follow the 4 steps in the wizard through to the end.



f. Section two

Tell us how long you have been living in the Republic of Ireland


g. Section three

Tell us about your overall income


h. Section four

Review your details and Submit


You have now successfully added an employment to ‘My Account’




Instructions for Sub-user (Revenue)

Instructions for Sub-user (Revenue)


The ROS Administrator should provide the Sub-user with the ID Ref and System Password from the Admin Services tab.

1. Once you have the above information, go to Register for ROS.

2. Click on ‘Download and Save you Digital Certificate’


3. Under the Terms and Conditions, click ‘I Accept’ to proceed.


4. Select ‘A Sub User’ and enter the ID Ref provided by your ROS Administrator.

5. Click ‘Next


6. Make up a name for your certificate – this cannot be changed later.

The certificate name may not include spaces, accented characters or symbols.

Create a password – this is the password that you will use to log into ROS.

The password must have at least 8 characters, including at least one UPPER case character, one lower case character and 1 digit and may not contain any part of the certificate name.  If you forget your password, your ROS Administrator can check it for you.

7. Click the ‘Request Certificate’ button.


8. Click the ‘Save’ button.


9. Depending on which web browser you use, you may need to click on ‘Save’ again on the bottom of the screen.  The certificate will now have been saved to your Downloads folder.

If you lose your sub-user certificate, your ROS Administrator will have to issue a new one, so make sure to save the certificate on your computer.

More information on how to save your digital certificate is available in the Getting Started on ROS Help section – under the Registering for ROS heading.



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