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How to post a payment on account in Sage 50

How to post a payment on account in Sage 50


If you received  payment from a customer or you wish to make a payment to a supplier before the invoice has been entered, you can post a payment on account and allocate it at a later date to an invoice.


How to enter a Payment on Account for a Supplier:

1. There are two ways to make supplier payment in Sage, one is to open up the Bank account module, select the required bank acount and click on ‘Supplier Payment’ or the other way is to open up the Suppliers module and and click on the  ‘Supplier Payment’  icon on the top menu bar.

2. On the Supplier Payment screen, ensure that the correct bank is selected and from the ‘Payee’ drop down select the supplier that your making the payment to. Ensure that the correct date has been entered and in the amount box enter in the suppliers payment amount.


3.  When you’ve entered the correct details click ‘Save’.  Because you have not selected an invoice to allocate the payment to, Sage will warn you that the amount entered is an unallocated amount and it will ask if you wish to post a Payment on Account


4. Click ‘Yes’ to post the payment on account.  The payment on account will be seen on the supplier ‘Activity’ as outstanding and will remain that way until you allocate it to an invoice.




How to enter a payment on account for a customer:

1. Like the supplier payment there are two ways to enter a customer payment on account.  This can be done via the Bank module or in the Customer module by selecting the icon ‘Customer Receipt’.  On the Customer Receipt screen select the correct Bank and customers account, ensure that you have entered in the correct date and amount, you can add a reference if required.


2. Click ‘Save’ on the ‘Customers Receipt’ screen.  Just like the Supplier payment on account you will get a similar message asking if you wish to post a Payment on Account.  Select ‘Yes’ to save.  This unallocated payment can be seen on your customers ‘Activity’ screen as Outstanding and will remain so until you allocate it to an invoice.