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AccountsMate Release – May 2024


A new version of AccountsMate (Pimbrook’s enhanced Sage 50 enquiry tool) has been released and provides the following features:

  1. Column Label Customisation.
  2. Product Transaction Enquiry.
  3. Totals toggle option on Data Analysis Enquiries.
  4. Improved Sales Despatch Enquiry.
  5. Performance improvements and fixes.

AccountsMate is available free of charge to our clients as part of our Sage 50 support service. For more details, including a demonstration video, see this link -> AccountsMate For Sage 50 Overview



Once the new version of AccountsMate is available it will be downloaded automatically the next time a user opens the application,  just accept all questions and the software update will be installed (note, you will have to be connected to the internet and have administrator permissions for the PC).


To confirm that you are using the new software, check the versions under Help – About, they should be as follows.

  • AccountsMate Console
  • AccountsMate Plugin
  • Web Service

Feature Details

1. New Column Label Customisation

A new Column labels maintenance has been added to the configuration menu that allows a user to define their own column labels for data displayed throughout the AccountsMate application.

2. New Product Transaction Enquiry

A new Product Transaction enquiry has been included to show all the activity and movements of products in the Sage 50 system.

3. Improved Sales Despatch Enquiry

The sales order fields have been added to the Extra Columns section of the Sales Despatch enquiry. This will allow users to build views of sales despatchs with any of the sales order data included.


4. Toggle Totals On Data Analysis Enquiries

All Data Analysis enquiries now have the option to toggle the display of totals (row and column) on or off.


5. Performance Enhancements and Fixes.

  • All Enquiries
    • Further improved speed of data refresh from Sage50 for large queries.
    • Fixed bug where Sales orders lists did not contain any quotes and service invoices.
    • Select first line of grid automatically and display all related data when the following evets occur:
      • The Refresh Data button is used
      • A layout is changed/added/saved
      • A filter is applied.
      • A grouping is applied.
    • Fixed bug when adding a new user note displayed an incorrect ‘Updated By’ details.
    • Selecting the cancel query button stops the running query more immediately.


  • Sales Order Despatch enquiry
    • Fixed bug where the screen wait was still being displayed after selecting an invoice


  • Sales Order Quotations enquiry
    • Now copes with Sage50 ‘create quotes’ setting being set to Invoice or Sales Order


  • Sales/Purchase analysis
    • Fixed bug where an error message was displayed if the user selected the cancel query button whilst extracting batches of data