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  • Payroll Year End Resources

Check for bucket corruption (6)

Check for bucket corruption (6)

Bucket corruption occurs when the nominal code bucket values disagree with the total of the activity for the same period.

Sage Instant Accounts, Sage Instant Accounts Plus and Sage 50 Accounts

Run the Nominal Activity report for each month in the current financial year and compare each history balance to the buckets.

Step 1 – Run the Nominal Activity report

  1. Nominal codes > Reports > Nominal activity > Nominal Activity.Sage Accounts 2014 (v20) and below – Modules > Nominal Ledger > Reports > Nominal activity > Nominal Activity.
  2. In the Criteria, enter the first and last date of the month and do not select the Inc B/Fwd Tran check box.

Step 2 – Check the value in the nominal bucket

  1. Nominal codes > double-click the relevant nominal code.Sage Accounts 2014 (v20) and below – Modules > Nominal Ledger > double-click the relevant nominal code.
  2. Check the actual figure in the bucket for the required month.

For example, for nominal code 4000, if the Nominal Activity report shows a history balance of £100 in February, but the February bucket shows £50, there is bucket corruption.


Sage 50 Accounts Plus and above

Another way of testing for bucket corruption is to run the transactional management reports. These reports build their figures based on transactions instead of reading the nominal bucket values

To run the transactional reports

  1. Nominal codes > Reports > Profit and loss / Balance sheet > Transactional Profit & Loss / Transactional Balance Sheet.Sage Accounts 2014 (v20) and below – Modules > Financials > Reports > Profit and loss / Balance sheet > Transactional Profit & Loss / Transactional Balance Sheet.
  2. In the Criteria, enter the first and last date of the month.

For example, run the Profit and Loss report for the month of January 2017 run the Transactional Profit and Loss report entering the date range from 01/01/2017 to 31/01/2017. If the values are different, this indicates bucket corruption.

If running these reports indicates bucket corruption, to resolve this please refer to article 13921.

If there is no difference in these reports click Next.


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