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  • Payroll Year End Resources

How to transfer employees mid-year from one company payroll to another

How to transfer employees mid-year from one company payroll to another

If you have a multi-company licence, you can transfer employees from one company to another. The way you would transfer your employee depends on if the tax registration number is the same as the company you’re transferring the employee from.

Note: Before you begin the transfer process, you should take a full system backup of the affected companies.
The following sections contain everything you need to help you transfer an employee from one company to another in Micropay.


If the tax registration number is different

You must mark the employee as a leaver in their current company and add the employee as a starter in the second company. To do this:

1. Open Micropay > log in to the company you want to move the employee from.
2. Mark the employee as a leaver with a finish date and finish period
3. If you have paid employees this period and on the submission that will mark the employees as left

If you need any assistance with this process, please contact the ROS technical help desk on 01-7383638

4. Employees need to go onto ‘My Account’ and move the employment to the new company number or continue to step 5, 6 & 7 which will allow you pull a new rpn.5. Open Micropay > log in to the company you want to move the employee to.
6. Set up the employee as a new starter with a start date.
7. You can then download the New RPN file from the revenue – New employees with a start date, this will link the employees to the new prem number

If the tax registration number is the same


Tip: The best time to transfer employees is at the beginning of a new tax year, before you start processing their pay. However, you can carry out this process during the course of a tax year if required.

You must manually transfer the employee’s year to date values from their current company into the second company. We recommend that you print the employee’s Earnings Tax & PRSI report. This report details their personnel details and year to date values for the current company.

1. Open Micropay > log in to the company you want to move the employee from.
2. Reports > Payroll Reports > Employee tab > select Earnings Tax & PRSI.
3. Selection > Sequence > Employee Code > enter the employee’s number in the From and To boxes.

Tip: If you’re unsure of what the employee’s number is, you should check the employee’s record.

4. Print > Cancel.
5. Login > Login to a Payroll > log in to the company you want to move the employee to.
6. Processing > Employee Details.
7. Set up the employee and enter their year to date values, using the printed Earnings Tax & PRSI report as a point of reference.

8. Make sure the employees PPS number, Employment ID, and RPN number on the Tax/Prsi/ USC tab of the Employee Details are correct

9.Finally, log back into the payroll you moved the employee from, and delete the employee’s record.

Click here for detailed instructions for entering in Year to Date Values