Nominal Integration Report from Sage Payroll
Nominal Integration Report from Sage Payroll
You can use the nominal option to produce a nominal journal for integration with your accounts software. However before you start using this option, you must enter your nominal settings in Sage Payroll so it knows where to post your journals to.
Don’t add commas to descriptions, translations or nominal codes, as these will be interpreted as columns in the CSV file and place data in the incorrect columns. This may result in a failed import into your accounting package.
1. On the menu bar, Click Nominal and Set-up.
2. Specify the format of the nominal codes you want to use in Sage Payroll for analysis of payroll costs.
This field must have an entry, and can be up to 16 characters in length. When you’re defining a format, there are three letters with special meaning:
- d – department code
- c – cost centre code
- a – item code
All other characters are understood by Sage Payroll, in the context of nominal code formats, to be constants.
For example, if you specify the format definition ddddccccaaaa, Sage Payroll expects codes whose first four characters identify the department, the next four characters identify the cost centre and the final four characters identify the item code.
In this example for Sage 50/Instant Accounts, this field must read: aaaaddddd.
3. Complete the following information with the relevant nominal Codes. In this case we have taken the default nominal codes from Sage 50 Accounts:
- Nominal Code Format: aaaadddd
- Employee PRSI: 2210 [PAYE/PRSI/USC]
- Employer PRSI +: 7006 [ER PRSI]
- Employer PRSI -: 2210 [PAYE/PRSI/USC]
- ASC: 2240 [ASC]
- Rounding Account: Round
- Suspense Account: 9998
4. The Journal Format is used to specify the print column positions in the nominal report or file output for the following:
- Code – 5
- Description – 20
- Debit value – 55
- Credit value – 65
- Total – 85
Example of the Journal when its printed
Click OK when this is complete.
5. Select Nominal – Payments
Set your Payments to 7000 for Gross pay as follows:
6. Select Nominal – Deductions
set you nominals for Deductions as follows:
7. Select Nominal – Departments
In my accounts package my department codes are 1 – 2 – 3 etc so in payroll I have entered in these codes as 001,002 and 003 as follows:
8. Select Nominal – Translations
Set up translations for the balance sheet items as follows:
This table is used to set up alternative nominal codes. This is a useful tool if you want to make the nominal coding structure less rigid. You can use it to translate the codes defined in Payroll to alternative codes that will be used when you export the report or file to import.
So in this case I want my balance sheet codes to be used and not look at the department. If I don’t enter these in here it will split them out by department being:
- 2210001
- 2210002
- 2210003 and so on
Instead we enter in
- 2210 – PAYE/PRSI/USC
- 2220 – Wages Control Account
- 2230 – Pension
- 2240 – ASC
All the profit and loss nominal will now be split by department.
8. Select Nominal – Descriptions
By default, the nominal report show’s the nominal code, enclosed by square brackets in the Descriptions field. An entry in the nominal report with nominal code 2200 shows [2200] in the Description field. You use the Descriptions feature to replace the nominal codes with text to define what the entry refers to. This can be repeated for all codes created by the nominal process.
You can translate the nominal codes into English as follows:
9. Final Payroll Journal Report
You will now get the following report when you preview it within the payroll.
If you require a more detailed report or you would like to import the file into your accounts package please contact us for a quote to set this up.