Product Default Tax Code can not be used on Sales Order or Invoice
When you create a new Sales Order or Invoice/credit, the tax code used does not default to the product default tax code even when the “Use Default Tax Code for Sales” in the customer record is not ticked. Sage continues to use the customer’s default tax code.
- Regional Setting on the Computer – Firstly, if this is an Irish company check that the regional settings on the computer are set to Ireland, and if the company was set up originally with regional settings set to the UK, ensure that the regional settings on the computer are set to the United Kingdom.
If this does not resolve the issue then proceed to the next step:
- Delivery Address Tax Code – check that there is not a delivery address tax code set up as shown below as this will take priority over the product default tax code.
- If there is, make the registered address the default address as shown below.
- Set up the Sales Order/invoice/credit now and the product tax code should be used.