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Tag: Sage Payroll

12 Top Tips On Managing Your Payroll As You Return To Work

For most of us in the business world, we have long stopped talking about ‘returning to normal’ when the shadow of Covid-19 has receded. Instead, there is a growing realisation that there will be a ‘new normal’ – a drastically different way of organising our business affairs that takes the health of our workforce, our suppliers and our customers to totally new heights.

It’s no different in the world of payroll, and it’s now up to us, as an industry, to develop better and smarter ways of addressing this critical business component in a way that’s both safe and sustainable. 

As the leading provider of Sage Payroll to Irish SME’s, we’re well placed to take the lead on this issue, and have been busy over recent weeks putting together a list of key actions that you can take right now to make a return to full productivity as simple and painless as possible.

  1. Keep your software up-to-date. Software such as Sage Payroll is constantly evolving to meet the emerging needs of its users. By regularly checking that you’re using the most up-to-date version of software , you’ll benefit from getting the fullest level of functionality from your investment. Another tip is that if you’ve got separate home PC and work PC and process payroll on both by transferring backups, you should make sure that both computers are running the same versions.
  2. Stay closely connected to ROS. Without doubt, ROS has been one of the biggest aids to busy payroll professionals since being introduced in September 2000. But to get the very best from it, you need to make sure that you sort any connectivity issues right away – whether you’re operating from home or from the workplace. The ROS Helpdesk is an excellent source of advice, while your own IT people can also make sure that everything is working smoothly in terms of connectivity.
  3. Sort your payroll sooner than normal. Because of these strange times that we’re living in, payroll may become more complex than normal, as different shifts or work patterns may be introduced in your company. We recommend that you run your payroll at least a day earlier than normal, giving yourself a bit of extra leeway if anything unexpected should arise.
  4. Make sure you’re not the only one who knows how to run your payroll. In smaller companies, there may be just a single employee who’s proficient in Sage Payroll or similar systems. If that person is you, then think about changing that situation as a matter of urgency. Business is challenging enough as it is right now – you don’t want to be responsible for a mini-crisis in your organisation should you become ill or injured. In an ideal world, you would train someone in your payroll software to a level of proficiency where they can take it in turns with you to run the weekly or monthly payroll. If this proves to be beyond the resources of your company, then make sure you write down a detailed note in running your payroll software. Also make sure that this is handed over to a senior member of management, and satisfy yourself that they’re aware of any passwords or usernames that they might need.
  5. Keep notes around what you’re doing with the TWSS. If your company is taking part in the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, you should keep detailed notes of what you’ve done – and when. Because this is a one-off event, it can be very easy to forget what happened during the depths of Covid-19. When Revenue Reconciliation time comes around later in the year, you’ll really be grateful that you have a full set of notes on your actions around the TWSS.
  6. Backup more often than ever. Backup is always important, but it’s become even more critical during these strange times. Simply put, you should never ever skip backing up your payroll. Also, make sure that if your payroll data is stored locally on your PC, you shouldn’t make the mistake of also backing up to there. If your PC goes down, your whole payroll (including any backups) will also be lost. And always save your backups in a different location to your Payroll data.
  7. Do your homework before applying changes to your payroll. If you’re not sure about a new payroll procedure – whether it’s brought about by legislation or is simply new to you –  make sure you do your homework before applying it across your payroll. Your accountant or payroll support company can help you with that, and it can save you an enormous amount of time and hassle in trying to unscramble a mess of figures. This is particularly true if you have already submitted them to Revenue online, or only discover your error weeks or months later.
  8. Delegate, delegate, delegate. If your payroll process involves input from others in the organisation, you need to make sure they they know exactly what is expected of them. Provide written timelines and deadlines, and make sure that those third parties fully understand how their actions feed into the bigger payroll picture.
  9. Email your payslips. If you don’t already email payslips to your staff, this is a great time to start. Pretty much all software, including Sage Payroll, will have this feature built-in, so make sure you avail of it. It means that even if you’re working from home, payslips can always be delivered in a simple and timely manner.
  10. Examine and amend your payroll process. Now is the time to cast a completely fresh eye over your payroll process, making sure that it reflects new ways of working – including teleworking. For example, if your current process involves you receiving manual paperwork, see if this documentation could be made available to you in electronic format. Not only does this allow you to work from anywhere, but it also plays a key role in maintaining social distance.
  11. Look to import your payroll. If your payroll is large and you are currently entering the payments manually, consider the possibility of importing them. This is a possibility in most payroll software such as Sage Payroll and can end up saving you lots of time that can be better used in other areas of your accounts function.
  12. Setup a non-contact method to take payroll queries from employees. To maintain social distance and avoid unnecessary visits to your office from your own employees, make sure you have systems in place whereby they can contact you, instead, via phone, text or email.

If you implement all or most of the measures above, you will be in a much stronger position to hit the ground running as your company returns to work, and looks to take its place in the new normal that may well be with us for years to come.

Paye Modernisation – Sage Payroll

3 things employees need to know about PAYE Modernisation

From 1st January 2019, Revenue have moved to modernise the previous, outdated PAYE system. Essentially, this new system provides a more efficient manner for processing pay and should help to alleviate irregularities. Each time a business runs payroll, they will be required to provide up to date employee pay and tax information to Revenue, which will help to keep real-time information on file.

So what does this mean for employees? We’ve listed some points below which should help you to gain a solid understanding of the PAYE Modernisation as an employee:

  • Employees are no longer required to request or worry about P30s, P45s or P60s. As the tax information provided to Revenue by your employer is now up to date, pay and deductions will be made on a weekly or monthly basis now (depending on your companies pay schedule)
  • Employees will now have a clear and detailed summary of tax credits within Revenue’s MyAccount service here. This information will be kept regularly up to date now during the year as employees are paid.
  • End of year deductions and balancing statements did require the submission of a P60 which was provided to employees once a year in most cases. Employees will now be entitled to this statement automatically each year, which saves time and effort.

You can read more on this topic on the Revenue site and in particular in relation to the PAYE Modernisation in which they list out SMART PAYE goals for employees by clicking here.

Pimbrook are leading providers of Sage Payroll software and support in Ireland. Our expertise allows us to help your business maximise investment in Sage Payroll while giving you the option to create detailed reports within the software along with much more. For further information on this, please click here.

Please contact us now with any Sage Payroll question you may have.

GDPR Checklist

Is your business prepared for the GDPR?

Download this GDPR Checklist (pdf)
Is your business prepared for the GDPR?

The arrival of GDPR means huge changes to the way your business manages personal data.

And the penalties for non-compliance are huge: if you suffer a data breach, for example, the fine could be as much as 4% of your annual global turnover or €20m, which is greater.

Despite this, 60% of businesses surveyed don’t understand what the GDPR means to their business.  Are you one of them? 

Learn about the GDPR, the requirements for your business, and see how Sage Business Cloud Financials can take the stress and worry out of business preparing for GDPR readiness. So you can focus on what matter to you, running and growing your business.

Download this eBook (pdf)

How to Generate an Employee List in Sage Payroll?

Micropay –  PAYE Modernisation Preparation

Generate an Employee List in Sage Payroll to Upload to ROS

In preparation for PAYE Modernisation, check out this video & learn how to generate an employee list from Sage Payroll (Micropay)

Sage Payroll software allows you to process your payroll with the peace of mind that you are compliant with Irish legislation.

What’s new with Sage Payroll (Micropay) v21.1?

Check out the latest features of Sage Payroll (Micropay)

Run your payroll with a Sage Payroll Software solution – up to date with the latest … What’s more, it’s easy, adaptable, affordable, and ideal for small and medium sized … that suit your needs, and change or add new modules as and when you need to. … Flexible solutions designed to meet the payroll needs of your business …

Great companies are built on great staff management

Great companies are built on great staff management. Here’s why.

Your biggest business assets walk out the door every evening – in the form of your staff. It follows, therefore, that you want to invest in hiring the best, investing in them to retain them, and making sure that you benefit from the right team dynamics. Sage Payroll

Almost every company out there pays lip service to the importance of its staff, but it’s another thing completely to actively pursue a culture of attracting and retaining the very best talent on the market.

Let’s look at recruitment first of all. The fact of the matter is that, with our economy fast approaching peak employment, your ideal candidate is likely to already have a job. If he or she is the sort of dynamic goal-getter that you’re looking for, the chances of them being ‘between jobs’ are almost negligible. And in many cases, they will not be actively looking for a new opportunity, so you have to work even harder to get their attention.

And if you assume for a moment that they’re potentially in play, you have to ask yourself what would attract someone who’s already reasonably satisfied to up sticks and make the move to your company.

Don’t be fooled for one minute into thinking that the answer to this question is ‘more money’. This has much less of an impact than you might think. Time and time again, psychologists tell us that employees are turned on by three big ideas – mastery, purpose and autonomy.

This is a rather fancy way of saying that people want stimulating work that challenges them every day. They also want to know that there’s a clear career path open to them, and that their efforts will be rewarded by the prospect of advancement. And on top of this, they want to know that what they are doing each day is making a difference in some way – not just to your company, but to the society and the community within which they operate.

Traditionally, recruitment of new talent was the function of the HR Department, but this line is becoming more and more blurred. This is because a company’s marketing department is just as much a contributor to recruitment. Think of how companies like Facebook and Google compete with each other for talent by hyping their fancy new offices or their all-day feeding policies.

So while your marketing may ostensibly be aimed at customers, much of it spills over into the world of recruitment. In today’s world, marketing your company to prospective employees can be achieved in a number of ways:

  • Social media is a wonderful way to show off your culture, your facilities, your perks etc. Sites like LinkedIn and Facebook are obvious starting points in this regard, but don’t be confined to just these.
  • Another great way to recruit is via your current employees. Great people tend to know great people, so consider rewarding staff for introducing a new hire to your company.
  • Remember that all potential new employees are going to check you out online before applying for a post. So is your website up to the mark? Is it responsive to various mobile devices, and does it show off your company at its very best?
  • You should also consider having a dedicated hiring page, where prospects can download info on new positions, upload their CV’s, or just ask to be informed of future openings. This is also a great place to showcase your workspace, place testimonials from current staff etc.

But what if you’ve already got great staff in place? How to you make sure that they’re not wowed by other companies in the same line of business? Remember that they will still be influenced by those three properties of mastery, purpose and autonomy. So treat them as though they’re new employees, constantly communicating the opportunities open to them, the importance of their work, and their ability to choose work that stimulates them.

On top of this, more and more companies are now conducing ‘stay interviews’. These are like the much-used exit interview, but are carried out with a sample of current staff to find out what’s important to them, if they can suggest any improvements in staff relations, or what could you do to make them happier in their job.

Also remember the importance of promoting from within, as it sends out a very powerful message to your staff that their time will come.


Handling all those happy employees on your payroll

One of the challenges that comes from having staff is the fact that you’ll now have a payroll function to take care of. For generations, the Irish PAYE system has been pretty much untouched, but back in his October 2016 Budget Statement, the then Minister, Michael Noonan, announced a fairly major shakeup, which we refer to today as PAYE Modernisation.

It will be the biggest reform of PAYE since 1960, and will mean that employers must calculate and report their employees’ pay and deductions as they are being paid. The thinking is that this will make it easier to make sure that the right amounts of Income Tax, PRSI, USC and LPT are deducted and paid at the right time.

This exciting new real time reporting regime will come into effect on January 1st, 2019 and require employers, agents and payroll providers to review their current business processes and practices so that they meet the new requirements.

It is hoped that PAYE Modernisation will improve the streamlining of current business processes, and also reduce the administrative burden currently experienced by employers to meet their PAYE reporting obligations.

Getting ready for PAYE Modernisation

There are a number of things that you can do right now in preparation for PAYE Modernisation. You should make sure that the correct PAYE processes and procedures are in place, paying special attention to registering all your employees and getting a tax deduction card (P2C) for each of them. You should also make sure that you have the correct PPS number for your employees.
We don’t wish to suggest that PAYE Modernisation will throw huge amounts of work onto your shoulders. A little time and effort right now will pay huge dividends in the future in simplifying your Payroll function.

And remember that Accounting and Payroll software – such as Sage Payroll, will automate much of this work for you on an ongoing basis.

Other Benefits of Sage Payroll:

The speed of Sage Payroll

Use of our Accounting and Payroll Software means that you can work out recurring calculations infinitely quicker than doing it manually.

The accuracy of Sage Payroll

You can relax in the knowledge that all your calculations have been carried out accurately – every time. So there’s no having to double check or treble check your computations thanks to our Payroll Software.

The convenience of Sage Payroll

You needn’t worry about tasks such as year-end reporting. Sage Payroll Software takes care of it for you automatically.

The functionality of Sage Payroll

Sage Payroll Software stores data such as payslips in a secure, easily accessible system

The comprehensiveness of Sage Payroll

Sage Payroll Software also produce payslips, send returns to Revenue and prints out employees forms such as P45 or P60.

The simplification properties of Sage Payroll

Sage Payroll Software can also reduce the burden of understanding complex payroll legislation and payroll systems operation. This has the effect of reducing your admin costs.

Your biggest business assets walk out the door every evening – in the form of your staff. It follows, therefore, that you want to invest in hiring the best, investing in them to retain them, and making sure that you benefit from the right team dynamics.

Call us now on 051 395 900 for details on handling your staff payroll.

Introducing Sage Payroll

Micropay Has a New Name


Sage Payroll

The next time you update your software you’ll notice Micropay has a new name, Sage Payroll.

Sage Payroll has all the same great functionality of Micropay and you can use it in exactly the same way as before. It will be updated for all future legislation changes such as the GDPR and Revenue’s PAYE Modernisation Project, commencing January 2019.


What’s new?

To help you prepare for the GDPR, the Payroll Data Checker will flag information older than 6 years.

You’ll also be able to cater for employees who have exclusion orders for PAYE. In order to help you with PAYE Modernisation, you’ll also be able to flag statuses for Proprietary or Non-Proprietary Directors.


Sage Payroll is available from March 9, 2018.

For more information please contact sales@pimbrook.ie or call us 051 395 900

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