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  • Payroll Year End Resources

Employee payment dates on the Payroll Submission Request (PSR) to Revenue

Employee payment dates on the Payroll Submission Request (PSR) to Revenue


From 1 January 2019, employers must send a payroll submission to Revenue each time their employees are paid. You can quickly and easily do this in Sage Payroll 2019 by using the Send Payroll Submission option.

Each of your employees will have their own payment date specified on a payroll submission and this payment date is based on the pay method of the employee and the dates set up in your payroll calendar. For employees paid by:

  • Bank transfer – The payment date is the EMT Date of the relevant period. The EMT date on the payroll calendar must be set to the exact date the employee is receiving the funds into their bank account.
  • Cash – The payment date is the Pay Date of the relevant period.
  • Cheque – The payment date is the Cheque Date of the relevant period.
  • Giro – The payment date is the Giro Date of the relevant period.


To check or edit your payroll calendar dates


  1. From the menu bar at the top of the window, click Company/Payroll then click Calendar.
  2. Review the information held within the Calendar Details tab, then do one of the following:
  •  To re-create the calendar, click the New Calendar tab, enter the relevant details then click Update. Review the information held within the Calendar Details tab again then click Save.
  • To manually edit dates, click into the relevant date field that you want to change then type in the new date. Repeat this process until you’re happy with the details entered, then click Save. If you don’t want to edit the dates, click Cancel.

Click here For detailed instruction on how to set up a calendar