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  • Payroll Year End Resources

Support Employment IDs for existing, new and reinstated employees (Required for PAYE Modernisation returns) (V21.1)

Support Employment IDs for existing, new and reinstated employees (Required for PAYE Modernisation returns)


Within the Employee Details window of Sage Payroll (v21.1 or higher), there is a field titled Employment ID. This holds a unique value for each separate employment for an employee and is a requirement for Revenue’s PAYE Modernisation Project which comes into effect from 1 January 2019.


To save you time, Sage Payroll has automatically allocated each of your employees with a default Employment ID value of 1. You should only change the Employment ID value for an employee, if one or both of the following scenarios apply:


  • The employee has multiple employments with your company.
  • The employee left and re-joined your company in the same tax year.

To change an employee’s Employment ID

  1. Open Sage Payroll 2018 and log into the payroll as normal.
  2. Check your version number is 21.1 or higher. You can find this in the top left-hand corner of your software. If it’s 21.0 or lower, you must install the latest Sage Payroll (Micropay) update
  3. On the menu bar, click Processing then click Employee Details.
  4. Next to the Surname box, click browse  and click the relevant employee.
  5. Next to the Employment ID box, click Edit.
  6. In the New Employment ID isbox, enter a value using any combination of the following:
  • Upper and lower case letters.
  • Digits 0 to 9, and the following special characters – \ _

The New Employment ID must be different to the value that is held in the Current Employment ID box. Also, the following special characters cannot be used:

^ & ‘ @ * £ € { } [ ] . ? , $ = “! # ( ) % . + ~

  1. Once you’ve entered the new employment ID, click Change.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each employee you need to edit the Employment ID for, then click Cancel.


Click here to view the new features in V21.1